Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well, back on September 6th (and 10th), I brewed up a couple beers...a Weizenbock and a Hefeweizen.  They are both finished fermenting and were kegged on Sunday night (October 3rd).  They are both carbonating as we speak...along with 5 gallons of possibly the best cider I have made to date.  Both of these beers will be getting tapped on Saturday night at the Soulard Oktoberfest!!  The Weizenbock makes it's debut at 9:00pm, followed by the Hefeweizen an hour later.

It's late in the evening, but I have friends that are coming down specifically to taste my, I hope I don't disappoint them.  They tasted good going into the keg...I can only hope that the carbonation was kind to them!
